Financial Obligations


MIT Obligations


MITs must pay a total of $300.00 to the chapter.

  • $50.00 one time MIT fee, due by the pledging ceremony
  • $250.00 one time initiation fee due by the membership exam, which includes the badge

MITs may finance up to 50% of their initiation fees through fundraisers.

Member Obligations

Once initiated Sisters will pay $90.00 a year and must maintain her security deposit balance.

  • $40.00 due to National Headquarters even when attendance exempt
    • Exception: December graduates pay $20.00
  • $50.00 due to the chapter
    •  Exception: attendance exempt pay $25.00
  • One-time security deposit of $45.00 for active members is required to be paid with dues
    • This deposit will be used in case of emergencies as an individual backup fund and will be returned to the sister upon her graduation

For any questions or concerns about financial obligations please contact our treasurer, Jen Ramadari